
Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Jesse Tree Week 4 done by Caitlyn, Amy and Maranita

                                                               Jesse Tree Week 4

Sunday: Mary
Ornament: White Lily
The Annunciation
This is about Mary becoming the Mother of Messiah, Jesus Christ. Mary was sixteen years old when God’s Messenger was sent to appear to  Mary and tell her the good news. We can understand that Mary is our greatest Saint and she was the one that made it possible for us to find out what it was like to live with Jesus.

Monday: Elizabeth
Ornament: Mother and Child
Mary Visits Elizabeth
This prophecy tells us about Gabriel, the angel who came down to inform Mary that she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus Christ. Mother Mary went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who was also going to give birth to a baby boy. When Mary approached Elizabeth, she felt the Holy Spirit within her as the baby leaped in the womb.  The visitation symbolized Elizabeth’s and Mary’s interaction with the Holy Spirit and with God the Father.

Tuesday: Zechariah Ornament: Pencil and Tablet
His Name Is John
God gave and promised Zechariah that he would be blessed with a son. We could understand that God was true to his promises and this prophecy told us to prepare for the second coming of Jesus.

Wednesday: Joseph
Ornament: Carpenter's Square or Hammer
Joseph, Do Not Be Afraid
Joseph became the father of Jesus. Joseph was a role model to all who was not afraid to do what God promised. Joseph taught Jesus Carpentry for he was a carpenter. He taught him good manners and how to behave well. We could understand how kind and loving father, Joseph was to Jesus.

Thursday: The Magi
Ornament: Star or Candle
The Magi Worship Jesus
The wise men followed the star in the sky that directed them to Jesus. They came from all directions and they met up in the manger. The 3 wise men gave Jesus gifts for jesus birth and they gave him myrrh, frankincense and gold.

Friday: Jesus
Ornament: Manger Do Not Be Afraid
Jesus Christ was born. We celebrate Jesus’ birth and the shepherds were the first ones present to celebrate Jesus’ birth.

Saturday: Christ
Ornament: Chi-Rho
In the Beginning Was the Word
Prophecy started with the word from the Old testament to the New testament. It foretold about the coming of the Son of Man who would save the world.  The word of the Lord read in the mass.

By: Amy, Caitlyn and Maranita

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