
Sunday 24 May 2015

ANZAC Soldiers

Anzac Soldiers     
By Amy

The events of Gallipoli are still important today because when the war happened, Australia had just became a federal commonwealth. It is also important because the event encouraged many people to remember the men and women who sacrificed their lives for their own nation.

The soldiers wore hats on their heads. Many soldiers wore felt hats that includes a peak at the crown and a badge. Soldiers wore belts and puttees. Puttees are long, woollen wraps that helps to keep warm and to avoid the saddles. They also wore tunics, pugarees and boots. The boots help to keep their foot warm and comfortable.

The soldiers mostly ate food in cans and tins. They ate bully beef(tin canned beef), rice, jam, cocoa, some bread, hard crackers, bacon and dried peas. They drank tea, coffee, milk and water. Soldiers also fed on Anzac wafers. The Anzac wafers were so hard that some soldiers broke their teeth while eating them. Some soldiers added some liquid like coffee, milk, tea and water in the wafers to soften it, to avoid their teeth from being broken off.

The soldiers communicated with each other by using sign language and codes. Sometimes, soldiers use pigeons to send letters. This is rarely used because the opponents might shoot the bird, so the messages won’t be sent.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Book Review: The tale of Despereaux Stupeflix

Education stupeflix

Book Review:Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid
By Amy
This book ‘Billy the Kid’ written by Michael Morpurgo is about a boy named Billy. His dad goes to the World War I. He comes back with a special football for Billy and himself to play with. They usually play with a tennis ball so that when they are good with the tennis ball, it is easier with a football. One day, on the fields, Billy scores his first goal. That is when his father dies. Billy and his family goes to his funeral and Billy could take the football with him to the funeral. Billy grew up faster after his dad died. Then his mother has another baby, the new baby is called Emmy. At school, Billy joins a football team coached by Ossie. Ossie can see that Billy is good at football, so he puts him in the Chelsea team. Soon Billy’s mother marries again to Ossie. When Billy went to his first match, he scored a lot of goals for his team so they call him ‘Billy the Kid’. When the Second world war started, Billy goes and fight. Will he make it alive?

The most important character is Billy. He is a ‘good sport’ because when his team lost a match, he didn’t care. He will make himself try harder for the next match. There is a conflict when the Billy’s family argue whether Joe, Billy’s brother, should go to war.

I recommend this to from young to old. The story is nicely described and sequenced. I also recommend this to people who like sport stories.

Book Review: A Little Princess

A Little Princess

This book ‘A Little Princess’ by Frances Hodgson Burnett is about a girl named Sara Crewe. Her dad, Ralph Crewe is very rich. When Ralph has to go to India to work in a diamond mine with his friend, he sends his daughter, Sara to a boarding school taught by Miss Minchin. In the whole school, she is the richest so Miss Minchin treats her the best. Lavinia is very jealous of Sara so she teases her. Sara is a kind girl so she doesn’t talk back. Sara makes friend with Ermengarde. She too is kind and helpful. Sara’s talent is telling stories. Ermengarde likes to listen to her interesting stories. When Sara’s father dies from suffering a disease, her father’s wealth disappears so Miss Minchin doesn’t like her anymore so she makes her as a servant. Her strong character helps her to fight off her life of poverty.

My favourite character is Sara. She is kind because when Lavinia teases her, she doesn't argue back. Instead she ignores her. Sara is very strong in her character because when all her rich things are taken away from her and she becomes a servant, she doesn’t complain.

I  recommend this book to 10 to 15 years of age. It is because this book is very sad when she is made as a servant. I encourage you to read it because you will enjoy it.

My version of Our Father

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Book Review: Bridge to Terabithia

Good Sportsmanship Stupeflix

Report: A Great Helper for Great apes

A Great Helper for Great apes
By Amy
A lady, Birute Mary Galdikas, studied about orangutans for over 40 years. Living in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra, islands of the southeast Asia, are endangered great apes. Galdikas’s teacher, Louis Leakey, an anthropologist, helped her to begin orangutan studies in Borneo. Leakey also taught two other women; Jane Goodall is known for her work with chimpanzees and Dian Fossey is known for her work with gorillas.

Time for kids(TFK) interviewed Galdikas about her passion with orangutans, the threats that they have to face and how people can help to save orangutans from being pushed to extinction. These are the information TFK collected.

At the age of six, after reading ‘Curious George’, Galdikas became interested in animals. When Galdikas was in second grade, she decided she wanted she wanted to be an explorer. At that time, she didn’t know anything about orangutans and great apes. So she wanted to go to the jungles to learn about where orangutans lived and how they lived.

In 1986, Galdikas founded the Orangutan Foundation International(OFI) to help protect orangutans. These animals are endangered because where they live, the rainforests in Indonesia and Malaysia, are being destroyed rapidly. In Indonesia and Malaysia rainforests, people are cutting the trees down, to produce palm oil. Palm oil is the most common used vegetable oil. Up to 50 percent of palm oil is used for processed food in the supermarket.

Galdikas hopes that people working in palm oil companies should stop cutting down these trees because many animals live in the trees, not just orangutans. Galdikas strongly believe we should help the orangutans by avoid eating food with palm oil in it.

When Galdikas spent at least half a year in Borneo, working with orangutans, she finds orangutans calm and gentle animals. Orangutans are unique animals because their personalities are like humans. Galdikas enjoyed working with them and studying them. She became close friends with many orangutans.



Tuesday 5 May 2015

Mythical Lost City Discovered in Honduras

Mythical Lost City Discovered in Honduras

On 1928, Charles Lindbergh, an aviator and an anthropologist; and W.D Strong were the first people to talk about the ‘White City’. Theodore Monde’s claim was believable because he brought back artefacts from the mythical city. But he died before he discovered the exact location.

The problem was that Theodore Monde died before he knew the exact place. So the researchers had to find the ‘White City’. Steve Elkins and Bill Benenson overcame this because they formed a group of experts to find the exact place. This group included archaeologists from the U.S. and Honduras, a LiDAR engineer, an anthropologist and even British soldiers who were trained  jungle survival skills.

They found 52 artefacts buried underground. Chris Fisher found an extraordinary head of a statue which was believed to be were-jaguar. Archaeologist Oscar Neil Cruz from the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History estimated that the artefacts were from the year A.D. 1000 to 1400.

These are the questions I would like to find out in the article.
How did the American explorer, Theodore Monde die?
When did the people made up the rumours about the ‘white City’?
Why did Steve Elkins and Bill Benenson decide to carry on Theodore’s discovery?
Why are the group keeping secrets about the exact address?
How long did they take to find the ‘White City’?
Why was finding the ‘white City’ useful to the group?